FH Oahu Photography Tours - Full Moon Photo Tour

Cena od USD 72,00 USD
  • Trvanie: 3 Hodín (cca.)
  • Poloha: HONOLULU, HI
  • Kód produktu: PKHYB6

A Magical Photo Tour!

Watch the moon emerge from the ocean’s horizon and capture one-of-a-kind photographs of this celestial body’s magnificent beauty on Oahu Photography Tour’s bi-monthly Full Moon Tour. We’ve designed an evening of play for anyone interested in photography.

Tripods are provided to let you experiment with shutter speeds and capture a variety of impressions of the moon’s beauty. Create scenes in your images by photographing the moon beside a lighthouse, a volcanic island, or if you’re lucky, the moon will cast a ‘lunar rainbow’!

Be treated to steel wool photography, a shockingly simple yet deceptively complicated fire-like photo technique that never fails to amaze the eye! Photograph the white sand along the beach as the moon lights it up in such a way you will have to stop and catch your breath.

Make sure to check our calendar on our website as this tour only goes out twice a month. If you are lucky enough to be on the island during the full moon, you will be doing yourself a great favor by being one of only seven guests that can join this tour.

Sites Visited:

  • Makapu’u for Full Moon
  • Long Exposure at Makapu’u Beach
  • Steel Wool Light Painting at Makapu’u Beach

Available Times:

Day prior and day of full moon.

Pick up is one hour prior to moonrise

Duration: 2.5 Hour Tour

What to bring

  • Do not bring more than you can carry. Nothing is left in the van when we are out shooting to prevent theft.
  • We provide you with a tripod. You may bring your own.
  • Wear comfortable, closed-toed shoes.
  • You may want to bring a light jacket if you get cold easily as it can be cold by the ocean.
  • We recommend you bring additional batteries and memory cards for your camera. We would hate to see you miss out.


  • Free hotel pickup and drop off in Waikiki
  • Free Tripod
  • Free Wi-Fi
Your Night at a Glance

Twice a month, Oahu Photography Tours offers our Full Moon Tour. On both the night of the full moon and the evening before, when the moon is a sliver shy of fullness, we offer the chance to watch this celestial body slowly emerge from the ocean’s horizon. Both nights are fantastic and provide a one-of-a-kind opportunity!

Watching the full moon rise out of the sea is a stunning privilege! It’s possible to take top quality and stunning photographs during this monthly Full Moon Tour event. We provide tripods for every participant, allowing you the perfect camera stability to experiment with fast and slow shutter speeds, a way to play with your camera to capture an array of impressions of the moon’s feminine beauty.

With many different shooting locations to choose from, you’ll be able to create a variety of scenes: capture photos of the moon next to a lighthouse, a volcanic island, it’s calm reflection in a tide pool or even the rarest shot of a moon-bow! Moon-bows or ‘lunar rainbows’ are unique natural atmospheric phenomena that occur when the moon’s light is reflected and refracted off water droplets in the air. Maybe you’ll get lucky, and one will happen on your tour. They’re truly stunning!

After taking photographs of the sky’s leading lady, our dearest moon, we have an additional treat for you. Ever heard of steel wool photography? Well, we’ll take a walk on the beach and show you how to create images with a fire-like effect – it’s epic, surprisingly comfortable, and eye-catching.

Check your calendar to see if you’ll be in Oahu, Hawaii on the next full moon. If so, we invite you on our evening photography tour. We’d love to help you create once in a lifetime memory on the Full Moon Tour!